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Red Berry  (Working Title)

We hold this world together with a piece of string. It becomes looser each time someone moves.-Anticipation

I heard a child’s cry in my sleep. I was awoken by it. I have no children. I live alone. -Fear

My heart burst each time I heard the anthem. It stole my kin. - Disgust

Leave me to my head, I will leave you to yours. - Trust


“Red Berry” is a series of one shot’s that connect each member of the Union’s life in a microscope. They are given an emotion to reflect on the time they’ve experienced it.

"The Ambassador's Daughter" is a ficlet about Malina Amée Greene in her younger years. The story takes place in Paris, France 2005, when she is sent off, by her father, to a boarding school to wrap up her final year of high school.

Leo Albert, a transfer student, takes a sudden interest in the girl's strange views of the world. Her unchangeable kindness denotes him to ask her out. But sadly, his acts are interrupted once he discovers that his roommate, happens to be her boyfriend. 


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